
Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012

The Way I love You

Yesterday, when i make a search for life quote, i found this beautiful quote about love from; a simply beautiful quote :

"I love you without knowing how or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride; I love you this way because i do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no i or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate  that when i fall asleep your eyes close"
-By Pablo Neruda, 100 Love Sonnets-

Woah..the words are very sincere. But i myself prefer the word deep instead of intimate. Wish that i'll find my other half soon. May God grant my wish.. Amiin..

pict credit to :

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Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2012


Al-Qur'an dan ayat yang terkandung didalamnya sungguh mengandung kebenaran dan tidak bisa dibantah. Kalamullah mencakup segala aspek kehidupan manusia. Kemenangan maupun kejatuhan manusia dalam melawan bisikan syaitan.

Beberapa waktu yang lalu, saya merasa gembira dipercaya untuk membantu dosen, namun seiring banyaknya godaan, adakalanya saya merasa amanah itu sungguh berat. Meskipun saya coba singkirkan, rasa malas menggelayuti pikiran saya dan saya harus melawan dengan segenap hati.

Al-Ahzab ayat 72 menyebutkan :
Sesungguhnya Kami telah menawarkan amanah kepada langit, bumi dan gunung - gunung; tetapi semuanya enggan untuk memikul amanah itu dan mereka khawatir tidak akan melaksanakannya, lalu dipikullah amanah itu oleh manusia. Sungguh, manusia itu amat zalim dan amat bodoh.

Hidup tidak lepas dari 3 hal: habluminallah, habluminannas dan habluminalalam. Aspek pemberian dan pelaksanaan amanahpun mencakup 3 hal diatas. Oh Allah, sungguh saya takut bila akan mengecewakan dosen saya. Allah, saya takut bila amanah ini yang akan menyeret saya ke neraka nantinya karena saya belum mampu memberikan kinerja yang 100%. Maafkanlah saya, wahai Al Malik. Saya berusaha memberi yang terbaik, namun ada kalanya saya terjebak dalam pikiran saya sendiri. Luruskan hati, pikiran dan iman saya ya Tuhan, sungguh saya tidak mampu menjalani hidup tanpa bimbinganMu.

Forgive me, Allah; forgive me, my lecturer. I will always push my best and try harder.
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Rabu, 22 Agustus 2012

Watersport di Bali

Still, more writings about the Island of Gods, this time i am going to give a little bit review about watersport in Bali. This time i wanna write about a full day package of watersport.

Ada tiga cruises utama di Bali yang menyediakan jasa full day watersport yaitu Bounty Cruise, Bali Hai Cruise dan Quicksilver Cruise. Package yang ditawarkan termasuk: transport before and after trip, morning tea/snacks in the beginning of the trip, snorkelling, banana boat, village visit, semi submarine, private pool, canoeing, water sliding, and self service lunch. Disamping package diatas, mereka juga menawarkan sunset dinner untuk corporate, honeymooners dan keluarga.

Kalau anda hendak memilih Bali Hai Cruise, harga per paxnya adalah Rp 700.000 (or around 70-80 dollars per person), sementara Bounty Cruise adalah Rp 600.000 (or about 60-70 dollars per person)  dan Quicksilver cruise dengan harga Rp 500.000 (or around 50-60 dollars). Lamanya paket biasanya mulai dari jam 9 pagi (berangkat dari Tanjung Benoa) dan selesai jam 16.00 sore.

-Tujuan Wisata-
Baik Bounty Cruise dan Bali Hai Cruise trip menuju Nusa Lembongan, dengan 2 jam berlayar dariTanjung Benoa port. Sedangkan Quicksilver bertujuan ke Nusa Penida, sedikit lebih jauh dari Nusa Lembongan dengan lamanya perlayaran sekitar 2 jam 40 menit.

Ketiga cruise menawarkan paket yang hampir sama, kecuali untuk Quicksilver yang tidak punya water slide dan canoeing maupun kayaking. Dari pengalaman saya, saya lebih cenderung memilih ikut Bounty Cruise atau Bali Hai daripada Quicksilver karena untuk Bounty maupun Bali Hai, jumlah penumpang per boat dibatasi 100 orang sekali trip jadi tidak sesak, berbeda sekali dengan Quicksilver yang memenuhi kapasitas kapalnya hingga 300 orang sekali jalan, sehingga tidak ada cukup ruang untuk masuk di kapal. Penumpang yang apes (termasuk keluarga saya waktu itu), mesti rela duduk diluar sementara cuacanya sangat panas dan tidak ada towel untuk mendinginkan gerah. Very lame. Selain itu untuk urusan kapal juga Bali Hai dan Bounty lebih smooth perjalanannya daripada Quicksilver.

Untuk aktivitas lainnya, selain dari perjalanan kapal diatas, Bounty dan Bali Hai menang telak atas Quicksilver. Dengan derasnya arus di Nusa Penida, saya sekeluarga tidak bisa snorkelling maupun berenang karena terlalu berbahaya. Jadi walhasil seharian cuma bengong liatin laut ga ngapa-ngapain. Mau berenang di poolnya juga ogah secara ada sampah bungkus mie bertebaran didalamnya.Sedangkan Bounty Cruise dan Bali Hai di Nusa Lembongan arusnya relatif aman dan lifeguardsnya siap siaga kalo terjadi segala sesuatu. Mau aktivitas apa aja juga lancar. A totally holiday in the sun.

Kalau anda memilih watersport yang intinya bermalas-malasan silahkan memilih Quicksilver, tapi kalau ingin seru-seruan di laut saya sarankan memilih Bounty Cruise atau Bali Hai. Sebenarnya ada banyak banget kekurangan dari Quicksilver Cruise. Meskipun yang daftar ke Quicksilver banyak, tapi pelayanannya mengecewakan.  Kalo mau di kasi rate bintang-bintangan, saya kasi Quicksilver 2 bintang tapi untuk Bounty Cruise dan Bali Hai saya kasi 4,5 bintang. Tapi serius deh, liburan watersport itu seru banget, yang penting mesti pinter-pinter pilih cruise yang bagus pelayanannya dan sesuai dengan budget pula.

Awalnya udah senyum penuh kebahagiaan dari hotel
just so-so

Gitu nyampe, senyumnya dipaksain (from Quicksilver boat onTanjung Benoa Port)

Panesnya ga boong

View dari Nusa Penida
-Bounty Cruise-
Kapalnya bagus banget
Fotonya sama bagusnya dengan aslinya
-Bali Hai Cruise-

Meskipun tidak secantik aslinya tapi lumayan oke

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Ways of Transportation in Bali

Simpang Siur in the afternoon

Oh well, continuing my writing about Bali, as a traveller, i consider Bali as an island that's easy to reach. You can enter Bali by bus, airplane, and ship. There are few things to note (esp. for domestic traveller) about coming to Bali :

1. The easiest way to reach Bali is by plane. The flight from Jakarta is pretty much cheap. From my experiences it cost around Rp 300.000 (low season) to Rp 900.000 (peak season), this fare is even less when you made an early booking. The cheapest season is from january through may. I myself prefer to go to Bali at these month because Bali is less crowded, airplanes and hotels fare are pretty low (for example a 4 star hotel in tanjung benoa usually cost 900 thousand rupiahs and in february cost only 500 thousand rupiahs). Meanwhile try to avoid going to Bali in June to December because Bali will be too crowded and the fare of hotels and plane tickets are pretty expensive.

2. Going by bus is also an option. You can take bus from any major city in Java Island and usually the bus also made final stop in Denpasar, the capital city of Bali. The cost is not much of different from airplane. But if you are a tourist on tight budget, this way of travelling can help too. From Jakarta the ticket usually cost Rp 300.000 on peak season.

3. If you are coming from Surabaya or Lombok, you can take the ship. It's a 30 mins sailing from Banyuwangi and 2 hours long from Lombok. The ship fare from Gilimanuk to Banyuwangi is only Rp 6.000 or about 60 cents.

Another things to pay attention is when you already in the island. Bali has limited ways of public transportation. The newest and easiest way to travel around by using Trans Sarbagita, a busway that connect major public interest, from Tabanan, Badung, Gianyar and Denpasar. This bus is very convenient with new armada and great services from the driver's assistant. They willing to help and giving advice so you can get to the place you want. The cost for an adult is Rp 3.500 and for student is Rp 1.500. I love traveling around with Sarbagita since i can't ride motorcycle and can't drive either. Really great helps, esp. when you have this cheap-ex-almost-to-be-husband who are picky to take you around eventough he live in Bali. Yeah.

But if you can drive, that could be an advantage. You can rent car all across Bali. Usually it costs Rp 200.000 for a full day trip (or around 20 dollars). But the cost may increase as type of car you choose and whether you include the driver to take you around.

And lastly, rent a motorcycle is a good options too, esp for those who like to ride freely. The streets in Bali is pretty smooth with great view around. You can rent the motorcycle pretty much from any area in Bali. The cost is Rp 50.000 to 70.000 (or about 5 dollars to 8 dollars) per day. Make sure you can make a good deal with the rent place.

Have a holiday, Enjoy your trip in the Island of Thousand Temples

Sarbagita's Track Map
Inside Sarbagita's bus
Sarbagita's ticket
Ship, out and about to Bali
Airplane as other way to reach Bali

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Hanya Untuk Tuhan

Assalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Dear Allah, this is the second letter i write to You as my grateful feeling towards You.

Dear Allah, since You always watching me, i know that You knows best for me. Allah, i surely can't pay for each bless You sent on my path. Eventough my married plan already flushed away, but still You keep showing Your love to me, to this weak person.

Allah, yes, You took him from my side for he may not the best person for me and yet You replace the sadness feeling of losing him by pouring me good friends who always stay beside me, accompany me and making me laugh to forget my sorrow.

Both in my tears and my happiness i found You. I cannot fully express how grateful i am now, but to say alhamdulillah for all the time. Eventough at the same time i have this illness inside of me, but knowing and understanding Your love helps me going through this difficult times. At first, i was afraid of dying, that doctor's judgement of my health. But so far, with my faith in You, i'm sure that i can fight this illness. Just as Your promise, within patient, victory shall exist.

God, You show me so many things, taught me the best lesson through daily events. i will never want to lose my faith in You.You the One i trust, The Best Teacher that guides my life.

I wanna live as a true moslem. To breathe in the air of Your Love. Please forgive me of my sins, Dear Allah. I can't live this life wthout Your light shine on me.

The Oft Merciful and The Oft Forgiving.
The Almighty, Allah, i praise You. Be my witness of my act, God..

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Rabu, 01 Agustus 2012

Obat Hati

Apa yang dapat menjadi pengobat jiwa seorang hamba, kalau bukan petunjuk dari Rabbnya? Ya, meskipun perjuangan ini tidak akan mudah, saya akan tetap berusaha, berjuang sekeras mungkin melawan penyakit ini. Segala sesuatu yang datang dari Allah, Allah pulalah yang akan mengambilnya. Allah memberi saya penyakit, maka saya mempercayakan kesehatan saya dalam genggamanNya.

Berikut adalah kutipan Hadits Arba'in ke 19 yang memberi saya inspirasi untuk tetap kuat, tetap tabah dan yakin seutuhnya pada Allah, semoga bermanfaat bagi siapapun yang membaca.

Dari Abu Al Abbas Abdullah bin Abbas radhiallahuanhuma,  beliau berkata: Suatu saat saya berada dibelakang nabi  shallallahu`alaihi wa sallam, maka beliau bersabda:  Wahai ananda, saya akan mengajarkan kepadamu empat perkara: Jagalah Allah, niscaya Dia akan menjagamu, Jagalah Allah niscaya Dia akan selalu berada di hadapanmu. Jika kamu meminta, mintalah kepada Allah, jika kamu memohon pertolongan, mohonlah pertolongan kepada Allah. Ketahuilah sesungguhnya jika suatu umat berkumpul untuk mendatangkan manfaat kepadamu atas sesuatu, mereka tidak akan dapat memberikan manfaat sedikitpun kecuali apa yang telah Allah tetapkan bagimu, dan jika mereka berkumpul untuk mencelakakanmu atas sesuatu, niscaya mereka tidak akan mencelakakanmu kecuali kecelakaan yang telah Allah tetapkan bagimu. Pena telah diangkat dan lembaran telah kering . (Riwayat Turmudzi dan dia berkata: Haditsnya hasan shahih). 

Dalam sebuah riwayat selain Turmuzi dikatakan: Jagalah Allah, niscaya engkau akan mendapatkan-Nya di depanmu. Kenalilah Allah di waktu senggang niscaya Dia akan mengenalmu di waktu susah. Ketahuilah bahwa apa yang tidak ditakdirkan atasmu tidak akan menimpamu dan apa yang menimpamu itulah yang ditakdirkan atasmu, ketahuilah bahwa kemenangan bersama kesabaran dan kemudahan bersama kesulitan 
dan kesulitan bersama kemudahan). 


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A Letter To Allah

Dear Allah...

I know, my position in front of You may means nothing, for i simply a low and weak human. I just wish that You will always stay by my side and never let me fall into devilish act. Help me, clean me, bring me into pureness like a rose blossom in dawn for i afraid of Your anger, of Your Hell and i solemnly wishing a path to reach Your heaven.

My Dear God,
I know, You won't give me this illness if its beyond my ability to overcome it. I truthfully believe in You. Please put patience upon me, widen my soul and help me to see things better.

Dear Allah,
I have two side of thoughts. Part of me saying that i gotta fight for my life, i gotta fight for my health, gotta fight for chance to be a better moslem. But on the other side, i really wanna ask You (which i am afraid of), i am really tired of going back, visiting hospital each year. I don't wanna be sick, be as healthy as other people. Why do i have to have this very weak body? I am afraid of this sickness, Dear Allah. I am afraid that it'll cost my life. I don't wanna die yet. I know this is such a horrible and full-of-ego wish, but yes, i am afraid of so little chance in future to improve myself in front of You.

Dear Allah,
This girl, this very weak girl hoping for Your help desperately. I will push 100% effort to overcome this sickness. Please Allah, have a mercy on me. Please strengthen my faith in You. I will not give up for i know You always there, watching my every act.

Help me to find the righteous way to reach Your bless and Your heaven.
Amiin ya Rabbal Alamin
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Always Looking On The Brightside